Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's been 24 hours

So it's been about 24 hours since I received my first tray so when they were first put in not much pain at all but after the second time I removed them for dinner ouch some serious pain there had to take 2 panadol just to get rid of it and I'm not really a fan of pain relievers BUT they were a must.

I am hoping that over the next couple of days they become easier to remove as it has been taking me about 10 minutes to get them off which makes me dread taking them off in the first place argh! I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end.

Visibility wise no one really noticed at work today except for my boss I'm assuming because I was tallking a tad strange and spent most of the days doing weird things with my mouth like sucking down on the trays, licking my lips alot they seem to be quite dry and NOT drinking coffee big big giveaway oh! how I miss being able to make copious amounts of expresso's at work during the day! Luckily I have my own expresso machine so I can squeeze in 2 a day which is alot less than I would normally drink!!

All in all at this point they are manageable but I may be going a tad nuts due to coffee detox! I have also figured I'm either going to lose a hell of alot of weight or gain it as I seem to be eating as much as I can in half an hour so I don't get hungry and want to take them out.....

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